January 28, 2010

"I like cooking, you like eating"...

                                                 (ahh, now let's kick off)

Sooo many friends of mine can agree with the latter part of that quote, but can't relate with the first bit.

totally understood-- most of us are recent college grads, the money can be tight, survival jobs this, new working schedules that, ehhhhhhh who has time to cook?

I DO!....well...because cooking with awesome music is to me what shopping/ sleeping/ watching tv is to some of you. an enjoyment.

and because I like it to such a degree, I want to make it just as easy to find recipes you can actually make. With little time, sweat and money involved.
I generally never spend more than $50 a week on food. YES. in NY.

"even when you eat out?!"
 yes, even when you include eating out.
 watch.. and repeat.

the food above, purchased from Whole Foods and Fairway (my fav. grocery store in ny) combined was $25.89
(the sweet potatoes, butternut squash and apples didn't fit into frame) 
and it can get even lower than that when I'm buying fresh finds at outdoor markets around NYC. 
but, I could never be this lady...if you can top that... safe to say, you're working too hard.

so here it is at your fingertips! you'll meet some of my favorite bloggers and their food -as I whip up some of their simplest and tasty dishes- with a few of my own in house creations. all to the underscored musings of our favorite (and newfound) soundtracks.

and by all means, cooking is sharing, so swing a recipe on over and we'll keep the food circulating.
I'll make it, you'll eat it, and before too long, we'll all be cooking...and full..watching tv..and then sleeping..

even if you happen to make the same dish over and over, you cook that damn dish well.

1. all food will be shot with the amazing blackberry bold I found in a taxi one night. yes, very lucky. until one day I'm even luckier, and can get a Canon Rebel XSi with a 100mm macro lens. 
exactly like the one Joy the Baker has. her site is food porn 101.

2.there'll be a new soundtrack for every meal. don't hesitate to recommend either. I don't see half as many movies as I should. And I'll try anything new to keep a good groove while I'm cooking.

3. everything I cook will be to the vegetarian/vegan persuasion...
 I just lost readers, I know it. but you'd be surprised how well a lot of meatless dishes turn out, and taste. but for those of you who think "the meat is the meal", this clip is for you. 

then I'll have you over to my apt for a good dinner, and more laughs on account of M & W.

ready? set, go..

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